Petersen Automotive Museum

We walked the two blocks from the La Brea Tar Pits to the automotive museum. The price was reasonable and it is a self guided tour. None of us are real big car fans, so we knew we’d move pretty quickly through the place. It is a huge warehouse full of beautiful cars, several floors high.

Easy to spot from the outside.

We rode the elevator to the top and worked our way down. The first car took my breath and then my heart. I don’t normally covet things like cars, but this one is a beauty.

Movie cars on every floor
Wonderful design in the building.
Old classics
Futuristic as well
Two old guys talking.
I’d like this one.
We left and stopped for a late lunch at a row of food trucks. We all left happy.
It was all tasty.
We ate next an exhibit about the Berlin wall.
Original wall from Berlin