America in Reno, Nevada

A segment on CBS Sunday Morning about the 50th anniversary tour by the band America sent Edie to her computer looking up their concert schedule. Reno was close and doable, and a chance for a visit with her sister. We booked it. As an added bonus we decided to drive through South Lake Tahoe and eat at our favorite Italian restaurant, Primo’s.

Love the drive through the mountains
Especially when Pretty Woman drives
Our favorite
Happy happy
We enjoyed a wonderful meal and went on to Reno
We stayed a block away from the performance
A Harrah’s, but kind of worn out
Odd chair
We walked to the concert, Edie risked her life in traffic to get this photo
The concert was wonderful, we got there early
Edie especially loved it
We ate at a little diner after in a casino on the way back to our room. I like the pipe as a planter here.